Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Celtic Tungsten Rings

The Celts were a group of people living thousands of years ago in the British Isles. Archaeological evidence supports their use of decorative knots to represent spiritual meaning on monuments. Later, after the introduction of Christianity to the Celts, knots began showing up on manuscripts and mosaics. Today, couples and individuals choose to adorn wedding rings or personal rings with Celtic knots as a symbol of their endless love for each other -- or an unbreakable connection with the universe or mankind.
The knot in the Celtic wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. Just as marriage is meant to last for eternity, the strands of the knot intertwine endlessly. The knot in the Celtic wedding ring is sometimes called a "trinity knot," because the three interwoven strands represent the Christian Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Whether you’re of Irish descent or you have an appreciation of the culture, Celtic jewelry has gained in popularity over time. Celtic wedding rings are especially popular. Ireland’s long history of incorporating Celtic knots into all aspects of life from jewelry to carvings on gravestones has made them recognizable as distinctively Irish. You have many options to consider before you make your design. The following ideas offer ways you can create your own Celtic ring designs that you can bring to a jeweler to turn into reality. 

Celtic tungsten rings are made of unique color mixtures. For instance, there are silver rings that have gold highlights across the rims, or some options that are already in gold nevertheless the designs are within white gold. Thus, whatever it is you fancy and however, you want your right appear to be would easily be performed because of all the beautiful and unique options that you have.

You are possibly thinking of buying Celtic Tungsten rings possibly not to show it off on the wedding day however much more likely because you also believe in the power of love that it presents. Therefore, be sure that in the event you wear this sort of ring, you be truthful to your companion for the remainder of your lives and ‘til death do you part.

When motioned the Celtic culture,we have to connect it with Halloween, celebrated on October 31. The history of Halloween goes back to the time of ancient Celtic festival, popularly known as Samhain. It’s celebrated at the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture and was sometimes regarded as the “Celtic New Year”. This festival was usually the time when people used to take stocks of the supplies as well as slaughter livestock for their winter stores.

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